Total Knee® 2100

Total Knee® 2100

Total Knee 2100 is a polycentric, hydraulic knee joint providing active users with higher stability, control, and durability. Total Knee 2100 is a polycentric knee with 3-phase hydraulic swing control designed for the requirements of more active amputees. Offering 25% increased fluid capacity over Model 2000, Total Knee 2100 provides higher stability, control, efficiency and durability.

  • Polycentric knee with geometric locking system
  • designed for multi-speed ambulation, higher impact levels and heavier loads
  • Adjustable stance flexion
  • Adjustable extension promoter
  • Low build height, useful for long trans-femoral limbs or knee disarticulation
  • 30mm (13/16") pylon adaptability
  • High knee flexion angle up to 150°
Total Knee® 2100
General information
Level of limb difference: Knee disarticulation, Hip disarticulation and Transfemoral
Impact Level: Moderate, High and Extreme
Max patient weight 125 kg (275 lbs)
Reimbursement codes: L5814, L5845 and L5850

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